Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mi casa...tu casa

Our visit to Florida is the first trip out of state we´ve taken in our season of raising ministry support. We came to share our work as MAF missionaries with churches, individuals, and also to say good bye to my grandparents who also live in this state. We have been very blessed these many months in that most of our ministry support has come out of Southern California. Although we attempted to come to Florida earlier this year, the doors of opportunity had not yet opened and life went on as usual. Recently, we contacted churches in one final attempt and this time the doors flew wide open. I attributed this occurrence to the Lord´s perfect timing as Tony and I prayed that the Lord would show us His will and not ours.

One of the most humbling aspects in this trip has been staying in people´s homes. In the past, we would make airline, hotel, and car reservations and rely on our efforts to travel outside of California. This season of life requires that we travel more frugal than before even though much planning goes into every city we plan to visit. The folks we´ve been able to stay with were once strangers. All of them were once contacts we had been given by friends who knew we needed a place to stay. Now, these strangers have become our friends and their hospitality has been a blessing to us. ´´Here, take what you want from the refrigerator. Mi casa... tu casa.´´ It´s humbling to say the least to have people who didn´t even know you a week ago, open their homes and treat you like you like you are already a part of the family. It´s a great lesson for me in the area of generosity and hospitality. As Jesus traveled from town to town by staying in people´s homes, I realize there is more to be gained by humbling myself and taking notes from those who are willing to make themselves available so that others may be blessed.

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