Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Scattering Seeds in 2011

As Tony and I look forward to the start of a new year, we realize the Lord will continue to be faithful in our journey of faith. The year 2011 will mark the year in which we’ll move to a new state (Idaho) to receive the hands on training we’ll need to prepare for our eventual cross cultural move to San Jose, Costa Rica.
The first quarter of 2011, we will be attending three mission conferences in Southern California. The Calvary Chapel Mission Conference in Murrieta will take place January 3-6 and this year’s theme is: Let the Nations be Glad from Psalm 67:4. Later in the month of March, we will be participating in two Orange County church mission conferences. We are glad to report that Brea Baptist Church & Knott Ave Christian Church have invited us to be part of their annual conferences. With so many opportunities to share our ministry with remote and isolated church leaders in Latin America, the seeds will be scattered and only the Lord will provide the fruit that follows the labor.
 Along with presenting to churches and other ministries, comes the privilege and delight to share with friends and bible study groups the work Tony and I will be a part of as MAF-Learning Technologies partners with existing indigenous churches in the developing world who lack biblical and theological training.
So where do we hope to be by summer of 2011? Lord willing, we hope to reach 100% of our funding and Idaho bound! With seven months left to achieve the goal set by MAF, we hope to be on our way with a U-Haul truck packed and moving northward to join the MAF-LT team that awaits us. In the meantime, we will be busy sharing our ministry and looking to Jesus to multiply our efforts with success.-Laura

Thursday, December 16, 2010

MAF Headquarters - Nampa, Idaho

Many of you have asked about MAF Headquarters in Idaho. So after some time searching through You Tube, Laura and I managed to find a home video someone did during their summer visit to MAF. Your tour guide is Ron Hilbrands. For those of you who have heard our ministry presentation, Ron was the first face of MAF for Laura and I. We first  met Ron at a missions conference at Downey Baptist church on Saturday afternoon back in 2008 . Early on, he was our "go to" guy at MAF. Any questions we had about applications, bible coursework, references, etc... he was the one who would patiently answer them.

In the video, you will see the actual plane that the five MAF missionaries who were martyred in Ecuador flew. The plane was dug up years later and brought to headquarters. You will also see the main office and the airplane hanger where all MAF planes at one time or another go to for maintenance and repair. Ron will also share a  couple of stories on how we transport our airplanes to different program bases around the world and a second story of how he used to transport live pigs in his airplane when he served as a pilot overseas.

We hope you enjoy the video!

Tony and Laura

Friday, December 3, 2010

Working Together Part 1

One of the questions that comes up often when we share our work as missionaries with MAF is how does it feel working together 24/7?
It’s a natural question if you didn’t happen to already know that for the last 15 years, Tony and I  had been working at the same elementary school. Even though we taught different grades, the challenges of working in the same professional environment were always there.
During this season of deputation, our ability to work side by side has been enhanced. Sure, we disagree at times and even argue at times, but we also extend grace to one another during difficult times. Grace is an attribute in marriage that is undeniably necessary. When I feel frustrated or disappointed over a missed appointment, Tony reminds me it will all work out. He gives me added grace by not lecturing or down playing the situation. Tony simply listens and affirms my feelings, whether they are rational or even irrational.
At times I have wondered what it will look like for us as out on the mission field. Will we thrive as a couple? Will we bicker over unfamiliar surroundings and strange foods? I am tempted at times to speculate and predict what it will look like. However, if the past is any indication of what lies ahead, I am inclined to think we will serve as husband and wife in the same fashion as we’ve always had…with Extra Grade Required.