Friday, December 3, 2010

Working Together Part 1

One of the questions that comes up often when we share our work as missionaries with MAF is how does it feel working together 24/7?
It’s a natural question if you didn’t happen to already know that for the last 15 years, Tony and I  had been working at the same elementary school. Even though we taught different grades, the challenges of working in the same professional environment were always there.
During this season of deputation, our ability to work side by side has been enhanced. Sure, we disagree at times and even argue at times, but we also extend grace to one another during difficult times. Grace is an attribute in marriage that is undeniably necessary. When I feel frustrated or disappointed over a missed appointment, Tony reminds me it will all work out. He gives me added grace by not lecturing or down playing the situation. Tony simply listens and affirms my feelings, whether they are rational or even irrational.
At times I have wondered what it will look like for us as out on the mission field. Will we thrive as a couple? Will we bicker over unfamiliar surroundings and strange foods? I am tempted at times to speculate and predict what it will look like. However, if the past is any indication of what lies ahead, I am inclined to think we will serve as husband and wife in the same fashion as we’ve always had…with Extra Grade Required.

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