The title for this first post is from John 21. Christ spoke these exact words to His disciples from the shore after He asked them if they had yet caught any fish from the left side of their fishing boat. When they answered, "No", they listened to Christ and cast their fishing net on the right side of the boat and their net became so full; they were unable to lift it out of the water. For Laura and I as we complete our third week as new missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship, we feel that for the past 5-6 years, the Lord had been preparing not only us, but our entire family to cast our net on the right side of the boat and what a blessing it has been. Just as the disciples had a full net, we too have a net that has, so far, yielded great results. We have been able to share the vision of God's Call on our lives and invest time with people in a way that was never possible before due to the busyness of life. Though our lives are still busy, we have had a chance to invest in the lives of friends and family through ministry. We have been able to listen to family and friends share their lives with us and we have been able to have time to listen closely and encourage and pray with them. What a joy it has been for Laura and I. Such amazing blessings as we cast our net on the right side of the boat. People have also been a blessing to us as they have prayed over us and have caught onto the vision of our ministry with MAF. Many are encouraged and have partnered alongside us to reach the most remote and isolated people in the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We are humbled by the kind words and love family and friends have demonstrated through our first three weeks of missionary service. We look forward to the days and weeks ahead knowing that the Lord who is faithful will guide our path and lead us toward more and more dependence upon Him so that He and He alone gets the glory.
In His Service,
Tony and Laura
Very encouraging! I'm glad to hear that the Lord is doing awesome things in your life!
ReplyDeleteLove you and miss you guys!
-Nick & Jocelyn
Tony & Laura -
ReplyDeleteWe are so excited about the journey of faith you are undertaking, and we know that your lives will be a rich blessings to many different people...in many different places...over te years ahead. We pray that your new life will be both fruitful and fulfilling.
Bruce & Julie White